I didn't realize it has been so long since my last blog. Life can be crazy at times I guess and the days get away. Well, it's been a fun, stressful, busy couple of weeks to say the least. It was capped off with a little adventure to Huntington Dog Beach this past weekend. We whad a blast! You should consider letting me bring your dog to the beach the next time we go. If your dogs not a water lover, no problem. We'll go do a nice hike in the local mountains if that's more what you dog enjoys.
Montana making friends.
Saying hi to everyone. K-9 and human alike.
That's about as far as he got.

Pinky&Jewel. I rescued Pinky and my wonderful friend Jennifer from Ugly Dog Adventures, adopted her.

From left to right: Lola, Montana, Pinky and Jewel
Two passed out pups!